Dr. Jennifer Montesi (mon-teasy) is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with a full time private practice in the LA area. She specializes in the treatment of OCD, partner relational problems, and the overlap between couple distress and OCD. She has a particular specialty...
Dr. Morgan is an integrative psychiatrist and neuropsychiatrist working with a variety of clients at CalPsychiatry via telemedicine and in the San Francisco office. She specializes in the integrative treatment of clients with mood and anxiety disorders, ADHD,...
Dr. Morgan is an integrative psychiatrist and neuropsychiatrist working with a variety of clients at CalPsychiatry via telemedicine and in the San Francisco office. She specializes in the integrative treatment of clients with mood and anxiety disorders, ADHD,...
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder known as A.D.H.D is a complex diagnosis. Some people can go undetected in childhood, leading them to present for the first time in adulthood for A.D.H.D.-type symptoms. For some people, simple planning and focusing on tasks can...
In a longitudinal study, MRI imaging of bipolar patients with and without manic episodes were compared for six years. The results showed that manic episodes led to decreased volume in certain areas of the brain. Bipolar disorder has been linked to various structural...
Research is showing that untreated mental illness alone confers a higher risk of worsening physical ailments. Recent research is showing that mental illness can lead to the progression of physical ailments. In a recent New York Times column, Jane Brody speaks with Dr....