Dr. Scott is a clinical psychologist licensed in California. Her primary focus is health psychology, and she is passionate about helping people overcome insomnia, quit smoking and manage weight. She also provides psychotherapy focused on anxiety, depression, adjustment, school/work stress and grief. She provides private practice care exclusively through live video interface (telehealth) and she treats patients located anywhere in the state of California.

In addition to private practice, Dr. Scott is also President and co-founder of SessionSync.com, a telehealth platform that connects patients and psychologists nationwide. The goal of Session Sync is to expand mental health services, destigmatize care, and create an experience that is more convenient (no travel time), more cost effective (no commuting costs) and more comfortable (occurring in one’s own space). Asking for help can be challenging enough and Session Sync makes initiating care as easy as possible.

Dr. Andrea Scott

Behavioral therapy works best for insomnia

How Does CBT-I Work?

Therapy for Sleep Disorders




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